자신의 계리적기술만 과신하는 보험계리사

보험계리 2018. 12. 20. 04:47

1968년 영국 계리사회의 명예의 전당(award of an Institute Gold Medal)에 오른 위대한 보험계리사인 Frank Redington (1906-1984)의 이야기 입니다. 이분은 현금흐름 매칭방식의 ALM을 계리적 기반하에서 면역화전략으로 전환시킨 전설적인 인물입니다. 즉, 1952년에 이 면역화 전략(Immunisation Theory)을 발표했고, 이후 이를 바탕으로 LDI가 등장했고 지금 GBI로 진화하고 있습니다.

캐임브릿지 대학교를 떠나 푸르덴셜의 선임계리사를 역임하고 영국보험계리사회 회장이셨던 이분은, 보험수리적 영역이외에 인문학적 소양도 풍부하셨던 것 같습니다.

이분의 남긴 명언입니다.

"보험계리사가 자신의 계리적 기술만 과신하는 것은 위험하다. 이 기술은 위대한 장인을 만드는 도구가 아니고, 단지 어떤 현안에 대해 감을 잡고 생각하는 방법을 제시할 뿐이다."


출처 : https://www.actuaries.org.uk/news-and-insights/news/actuary-who-only-actuary-not-actuary?fbclid=IwAR3U_GwsnOuB22BJ4Dabpd5zeFzhaIa19R2L8ntQ8wWRtcKpp-6GFc0g8B0


The actuary who is only an actuary... is not an actuary

Frank Redington

The IFoA believes Frank Redington's remarkable achievements make him a worthy nominee to feature on the UK's new £50 note.

Voted the greatest ever actuary in 2003 by members of the actuarial profession, Frank Redington (1906-1984) is perhaps best known as the author of Immunisation Theory. Published in 1952, the theory demonstrated how a financial institution’s balance sheet could be ‘immunised’ against changes in the level of interest rates. This influential paper has had a major influence on fixed income portfolio management. It is also considered to have ushered in the modern era of actuarial thought.

Yet this seminal work was not the culmination of Frank’s career. His far-sightedness was demonstrated again in 1958 when, as President of the Institute of Actuaries, he spoke out on Britain’s national pensions policy, exposing the ease with which politicians could mortgage future generations by making excessive pension promises to the current generation. His thoughts on this subject were published in the booklet National Pensions: An Appeal to Statesmanship and displayed his foresight and prescience on the subject.

After leaving Cambridge University in 1928 Frank Redington joined the Prudential where he stayed throughout his career, rising to the position of Chief Actuary. With typical modesty he believed himself unsuited to the position of Chief Executive, even though his remarkable talents would seem to suggest he would have been more than ably qualified.

During his long career Frank Redington received the highest honours it was possible to attain as an actuary, including President of the Institute of Actuaries. The importance of his work to the Institute and the actuarial profession was recognised by the award of an Institute Gold Medal in 1968.

Yet Frank was about more than just numbers. He also had a hinterland of wide-ranging and varied interests that included mysticism, poetry and nature. In his words:

The actuary’s danger may lie in too close preoccupation with his particular techniques … It is not the tools he uses which make a great craftsman. It is the way he feels and thinks.



