검색결과 리스트
외국계 보험회사에 해당되는 글 1건
- 2018.05.20 중국의 외국 보험회사 확대 정책
중국의 외국 보험회사 확대 정책
중국 상하이 시정부가 상하이를 세계적인 금융센터로 만들기 위해서 외국계 보험회사와 금융기관에게 문호를 더 넓힌다고 합니다.
외국계 보험회사의 지점, 자회사 뿐만아니라 외국 자본이 설립하는 펀드, 증권회사 등의 설립을 적극 지원한다고 합니다.
특히 상하이에 기반을 둔 외국자본의 보험회사의 대상이 확대될 예정이라고 합니다.
Shanghai to further open up finance sector
In the near future, the city will further open up banking, securities, and insurance sectors, according to the municipal finance authority.
Foreign-funded banks will be encouraged to set up both branches and subsidiaries in Shanghai. The city will also support establishment of securities, fund, and futures companies with majority ownership by foreign capital.
The scope of Shanghai-based foreign-funded insurance companies will be expanded.
The financial market will open wider. For example, the city will support overseas investors to invest in its securities market and overseas innovative enterprises will be allowed to issue Chinese Depository Receipt in Shanghai.
The practice of free trade accounts, which enable funds to move freely between the free trade zone (FTZ) and offshore entities, would be spread to pilot FTZs in the Yangtze River Delta region and the Yangtze River economic belt. The investment and financing function of those accounts would be expanded.
Shanghai will open its market for bank card clearing institutions and non-bank payment services providers, while relaxing the restrictions on credit rating services for foreign-funded financial services companies.
The city will advance financial reforms, without slacking in risk control, said a spokesperson with the authority.
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