보험료가 저렴해진다면 개인정보를 보험회사에 기꺼이 넘긴다

보험영업 2018. 6. 22. 00:21

사람들은 보험료가 저렴하다면 기꺼이 자신의 개인정보를 보험회사에 넘긴다고 합니다.
특히 18-34세의 젊은 층은 66.6%가 이 행위에 긍정적이라고 합니다. 싱가포르와 미국이 영국보다 훨씬 긍정적인데 전세계 8000명을 대상으로 조사했다고 합니다.

보험회사가 이 정보를 잘 활용할 수 있도록 플랫폼 기반을 구축하는 것이 시급하다고 합니다.


출처 : http://www.theactuary.com/news/2018/06/nearly-half-of-insurance-customers-happy-to-share-data-for-cheap-premiums/


Insurance customers happy to share data for cheap premiums

Almost half of insurance customers around the world are happy for insurers to use data from social media companies and health monitoring applications in return for cheaper premiums.

Customers feel "disconnected" from insurers ©Shutterstock
Customers feel "disconnected" from insurers ©Shutterstock

That is according to new research by MuleSoft, which finds that young people are particularly open to the idea, with nearly two-thirds of 18-34-year-olds willing to share data this way.

Geographically, customers in Singapore and the US were happiest for insurers to use social media and internet of things (IoT) data, while those in the UK were least open to the concept.

Mulesoft EMEA client architect, Jerome Bugnet, said the insurance industry should work with regulators to give customers the option of sharing more data in return for personalised premiums.

However, he added: “Insurers are already struggling to deliver a connected experience before even considering how they bring all these new data sources into the equation.

“Those that are unable to overcome this challenge risk damaging customer loyalty and falling behind the more innovative insurance providers.”

The research involved a survey of more than 8,000 customers, finding that 58% think insurers provide a “disconnected experience”, with 56% open to changing providers as a result.

It was also found that 30% have given up on interacting with an insurance company because the information sharing process was too difficult.

Almost half of customers believe that applying for or renewing a policy should take no longer than an hour, with at least a quarter having had to re-submit information when making an application or claim.

Some 45% would like to use messaging services like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger when engaging with an insurer, with 22% having used a chatbot in the last 12 months.

“If they want to remain relevant, insurers need to engage on their customers’ terms, using modern channels and technologies such as messaging platforms and chatbots,” Bugnet continued.

“Insurers should therefore build an ‘insurance as a platform’ environment, where they can collaborate with internal teams, InsurTech companies and other partners.”




인공지능과 실직에 대한 각국의 반응

보험영업 2018. 6. 16. 12:17

인공지능과 로보트가 사람의 일자리를 뺏을 거라는 걱정이 많습니다. 그런데 인도사람은 59%, 나이지리아 사람은 65%로 높은 수치인데 반해 영국인은 25%만 이것을 걱정하네요. 선진국과 후진국의 산업구조를 보고 당장 기계가 대체할 일자리가 뭔지 보면 당연한 현상이겠죠!

Streetbees라는 회사가 영국인 800명을 포함해서 전세계 3,400명을 대상으로 조사했다고 하네요.


출처 : http://www.theactuary.com/news/2018/06/majority-of-brits-fear-the-impact-of-automation/


Two-thirds of Brits fear automation

Two in three British adults are worried about machines taking jobs from humans, while three-fifths think automation could trigger an economic crisis in the country. 

Automation fears ©iStock
Automation fears ©iStock

That is according to new research by Streetbees, which finds that a quarter of Brits already believe their jobs could be done by robots today, with roles in manufacturing and finance thought to be most at risk.

To combat this, two-thirds believe there should be rules in place to stop companies replacing staff with machines, with just 15% of the adults studied disagreeing.

“Technology is disrupting the economy and society from top to bottom, and our research shows that people in the UK recognise its potential to completely change how we live and work,” Streetbees CEO, Tugce Bulut, said.

“Clearly, many British people aren’t sure what technological progress means – not just when it comes to their own jobs and futures, but also for the country as a whole.”

The research involved gathering the views of over 3,400 people worldwide, including more than 800 adults in the UK.

When asked what jobs machines will do better than humans in the next 20 years, Brits were most likely to say data processing, followed by data collection and manufacturing.

However, respondents in developing countries were even more concerned about the impact of technology, with 83% of Indians worried machines will take jobs from people, compared with 67% of Brits.

It was also found that 59% of Indians and 65% of Nigerians believe they could loose their job to a machine today, compared to a quarter of British people.

This comes after a report from the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) found that jobs in the finance and accounting sector may be some of the most under threat by automation.

It states that new technology could put people out of work and push down wages, but also boost productivity, phase out mundane work, and improve living standards.

“Whether or not artificial intelligence and robotics helps or hinders workers will come down to the choices we make as employers, policymakers, consumers, investors and the wider public,” the report adds.




핀테크가 연금시장에 미치는 영향은 미미하다

연금시장 2018. 6. 6. 16:54


핀테크가 연금시장에는 어떤 영향을 미칠까요?
사람들이 은퇴를 생각해서 저축하고 투자하고 은퇴후 일정한 소득을 확보하는 계획을 세웁니다....

와튼스쿨 Olivia Mitchell 교수님이 진행하는 팟캐스트에서 다른 건 다 기계가 해도 미래 은퇴후 삶을 고려하고 연금 예산을 추정하는 것은 여전히 사람의 몫이라고 얘기하시네요.

대다수 사람들이 미래를 대비하는것에 대해 아무 생각이 없기 때문이랍니다. 아무 생각 없는 사람한테 기계가 할 수 있는게 없다는 거죠



출처 : https://www.thestreet.com/video/you-need-a-retirement-budget-14604082


Fintech is Coming to Retirement Planning -- But You Still Need a Good Ol' Budget

Robert Powell, editor of Retirement Daily, spent time with Olivia Mitchell, the executive director of the Pension Research Council at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, to talk about how fintech is coming to retirement planning and why you still need a good old-fashioned budget.


