연금상품 구입전에 꼭 읽어야 할 것들

연금시장 2018. 12. 21. 06:19

종신연금 등 연금상품을 판매하는 사람이 흔히 투자상품을 판매하듯이 연금을 설명을 하는 통에 불완전판매로 이어집니다.

annuity인 연금은 은행이나 금투회사에서 판매하는 단순 인출프로그램(Withdrawl Program)이 아니라 보험상품입니다.

금융소비자가 이런 점을 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 연금상품을 연금액의 지급방식에 따라서 Paycheck 연금, 확정연금, 변액연금, 지수연계 연금 등으로 구분하여 각각의 특징을 살펴봅니다.

소비자는 최소한 세번은 설계사가 제시하는 설명을 읽어보고 자신에게 적합한 상품인지 숙고하고 구입해야합니다.


출처 : https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/14/your-money/annuity-explainer.html?fbclid=IwAR11J0hGfRFbZakLHWuzp59_yjJ7DNBOLX_SRJECTH4TbBmoSmmp4ubF6Cc



Your Money

The Simplest Annuity Explainer We Could Write

We define immediate annuities, fixed annuities, variable annuities and index annuities, plus give you questions to ask salespeople. 

CreditRobert Neubecker
CreditCreditRobert Neubecker

Annuities can be complicated. This column will not be.

After I wrote two weeks ago about getting tossed out of the office of an annuity salesman, there was a surprising clamor for more information about this room-clearing topic. One group of readers just wanted a basic explainer on how annuities work. For that, read on.

Another group of readers worried that those hearing of my experience might assume that all annuities are bad, and that all people who sell them use subterfuge to do so. Neither of those is true: Next week, I’ll introduce you to some reasonable people who are trying to use certain annuities in new and improved ways.

The insurance companies that create annuities often make them seem like investments. But really they’re more like insurance.

At their simplest, annuities offer a guarantee. If you turn over some money, you’ll be guaranteed to get all that money back — plus usually a certain amount more. Or you turn over some money and you’ll be guaranteed a regular check for a certain period.

Like insurance to stave off financial disaster, an annuity is something you purchase to guarantee that you won’t run out of money if you live a long time. Such financial guarantees are attractive. After all, we don’t know how our investments will perform: This year may be the first in a while that your stock and bond index funds both lose money.

Still, annuities are not a mainstream product. This is partly the fault of the annuity companies, since they have long outsourced the sales process to people who do not always have customers’ best interests at heart. Word is out about how annuities are sometimes sold, and it’s not good.

Another problem: The annuity product lineup has become so filled with complex offerings trying to solve every problem and answer any objection that the word “annuity” itself can mean lots of different things. I’ll divide them into four categories.

Paycheck annuities are the simplest annuities, and they are kind of like a pension. You hand over a pile of money, and in exchange you can receive a regular check for life.

An immediate income annuity generally starts sending checks very soon, and they keep coming until you die. What you get each month will depend in large part on how much money you hand over, your age, your sex, whether you’re including a spouse in the package (so the checks keep coming until the second person dies) and the prevailing interest rates at the time you buy the annuity.

Deferred income annuities, also known as longevity insurance, work similarly, but the checks don’t start coming right away. The longer you wait to receive payments — you buy at 65 but don’t start collecting checks until 85, for example — the bigger the checks will be.

There is risk involved with a deferred income annuity. Each year that you wait in between the purchase and the first check brings you closer to death, and the annuity company is betting on your eventual demise. The fun — broadly speaking — in annuities is beating the odds and collecting checks until you’re 105.

Fixed annuities start the same way: You hand over some money. That money grows for a predetermined period at a rate that is relatively easy to explain and understand (that’s the “fixed” part); then you can turn it into a regular check for life if you’d like.

Sometimes, the amount that the annuity company credits to your account will change once per year based on prevailing interest rates. Other times, in the case of multiyear guaranteed annuities, it works more like a certificate of deposit — you will know exactly how much money you’ll accumulate over time. These annuities tend to run longer than standard certificates of deposit.

Variable annuities exist for people who want to have their cake and eat it, too. They can offer a guaranteed check for life with a promise that they won’t lose money. But variable annuity buyers can get more money than the baseline minimum, depending on how certain mutual funds that they select perform.

The annuities I described above don’t give their owners access to the stock market. But variable annuities come with what are known as sub-accounts that can.

That access comes at a price, though. The fees here also tend to be so high that they have been the subject of many investor alerts from regulators over the years. My colleague Tara Siegel Bernard explained variable annuities in more detail in 2015.

The last type of annuity is the equity indexed annuity, which is the type that the salesman I met a few weeks ago was selling at a steak dinner he held for people contemplating retirement strategies.

With an equity index annuity, you still receive a guarantee that you’ll get your money back. And if the equity index — say, the S&P 500 — goes up, the annuity company will credit a portion of that to your account. Not only is your gain usually just a percentage of the actual gain, the overall amount you get in any year might be subject to a cap and additional costs.

Any decision you make about an annuity is bound to be important, given how much money the person selling it will most likely ask you for. But much of the background reading on the topic is dull and confusing.

So here are three things that I actually enjoyed reading and made me think harder. One of them, “Annuity Insights,” comes from Fisher Investments. They don’t like annuities very much over there, and make money managing other kinds of investments.

The other two come from academics I’ve spoken to who do think certain annuities are worth considering, and both have other jobs that could earn them more money if more people buy annuities.

The first, “Fixed Index Annuities: Consider the Alternative,” by a Yale professor, Roger G. Ibbotson, explains how some index annuities could help people in a rising interest rate environment. He is chairman of an investment firm that could receive compensation for licensing rights to indexes that annuity firms might use.

The second, “Annuity Fables: Some Observations From an Ivory Tower,” appeared in the Journal of Financial Planning and was written by Moshe A. Milevsky of York University in Toronto. It is more of an omnibus piece about the mean things people often say about annuities and whether they are true. Professor Milevsky has a variety of consulting engagements related to the products.

Even within the above categories, annuities can vary radically. There is almost no end to the bells and whistles and levers and switches. So I wouldn’t buy even the simplest one without reading the contract three times and hiring someone for a second opinion about whether an annuity really fits my overall financial strategy.

Then come questions, lots of them, for which you should demand answers in writing:

What happens if I suddenly need some or all of my money back? What happens with the annuity if I die? What taxes will I pay? Aren’t you going to spend hours asking me about my assets, goals, dreams and fears before you sell me something this important? And will you agree to act in my best interest — as a so-called fiduciary — and sign a pledge saying so? If not, why not?

The questions don’t end there.

What are all the circumstances under which I might not get back the money I am handing over? What part of the contract might limit or change how much money I eventually receive? What can change during the term of the contract? Is there any possibility that payments could increase with inflation? Must I take a monthly or other regular payment at any point during the term of the annuity, or is it merely an option?

Finally, can you please provide a list of all the fees I’m paying? And what are you earning in commission from this sale?

These questions are easy enough to understand. If the replies aren’t equally simple, you should walk away. Given the stakes in any annuity sale, you should feel a strong sense of entitlement to clear, direct answers.

Are you using annuities in new and improved ways? Write to me at lieber@nytimes.com.




연금가입시 본인의 투자성향을 먼저 고려하세요

연금시장 2018. 6. 3. 13:40

안정적인 노후소득 보장을 위해서 모두가 반드시 연금을 들어야 할까요?

정답은 '사람마다 다르다'입니다....
투자성향이 높고 안정적 현금흐름에 만족하지 않는 분들에게 연금은 부적합하죠.

반면 cd금리 수준으로 인플레이션 리스크를 헷지하는 것에 만족하고 급격한 시장변화에도 안정성을 추구하시는 분에게는 연금이 괜찮은 대안입니다.

물론 연금가입시 각종 옵션과 특약을 얹게된다면 추가비용내거나 수령하는 연금액이 줄어든다는 것을 잊지마시구요.


출처 : https://www.kiplinger.com/article/retirement/T003-C032-S014-are-annuities-a-baby-boomer-retirement-solution.html



Are Annuities a Solution for Baby Boomers in Retirement?

The basics of how annuities work, how they can provide a lifetime stream of retirement income, their pros and their cons.



Retirement is posing a lot of challenges for Baby Boomers as many feel their money won’t last over 30 years. Lower interest rates and market fluctuations are making them pursue other options that will provide a safety net for the remainder of their lives.

SEE ALSO: Annuities: The 'Bad,' the 'Good' and the 'Misunderstood'

One potential solution for Baby Boomers is to purchase an annuity offering guaranteed income. With this, you can receive payments immediately or defer them, allowing the earnings to accrue tax-deferred with future payments taxed as ordinary income. There is no limitation on how much you can contribute to an annuity.

How do annuities work?

Annuities are contractual guarantees between you and an insurance company, either as a single deposit or multiple payments. In exchange, the insurance company follows through on the terms of the contract. Annuities grow tax-deferred until the interest is withdrawn, and payments can be taken as a lump-sum (which, although I’ve seen it, is not what I’d recommend) or through periodic distributions.

There are four basic types of annuities:

  • Immediate annuities offer a guaranteed fixed payment and are typically used to fund pension plans (e.g., for the rest of your life or, depending on your annuity terms, the rest of your spouse’s life).
  • Fixed annuities are similar to CDs, which promise a fixed interest rate over a set period of time through an insurance company instead of a bank. Rates for fixed annuities are typically higher than those offered by CDs.
  • Variable annuities allow you to directly invest in the stock market, usually through mutual funds although with less risk because your principal is guaranteed — but you’d have to pass away in order for your heirs to receive it. Payments will be based on the performance of your investments. The account usually carries some sort of guaranteed interest rate (although you would have to start receiving the payments in order to get the guarantee). On a side note, I’m not a fan of variable annuities. Most of the retirees I’ve met who had variable annuities with high fees had to surrender and receive less then what they put in to get out of them.
  • Fixed indexed annuities tie the interest rate they pay to an index, such as the S&P 500. The minimum a fixed indexed annuity will pay typically is 0% (meaning it is guaranteed not to lose money when the market falls), but it can significantly increase in comparison to a fixed annuity (although the top range is typically capped depending on the insurance company you purchase from, so it is imperative to find which ones have higher participation rates in the index chosen). You can also structure payments like immediate annuities.

Beyond the basic promise of receiving payments from the insurer, you can customize your contract to leave money to your spouse or your estate, and can work in guarantees that you’ll at least be able to get your initial deposit back should the performance be less than satisfactory. Be wary, however, that guarantees and other riders in your contract may come with added fees and costs. It’s important to be as informed as possible before making a decision.

See Also: The Myth of the Magic Retirement Number

Advantages Annuities Offer

1. Lifetime Income With Less Risk

The timing of withdrawals from a stock-based investment portfolio in retirement is always crucial and can be subject to “sequence of returns risk.” That means that if the market falls substantially when you are retiring or newly retired — just as you start taking withdrawals from your portfolio — your retirement savings could take a hit from which you can’t recover.

Understanding, and planning for, this risk will be the difference between running out of your retirement savings and never having to worry about retirement ever again. Market conditions can sway based on random occurrences, so timing can be extremely unfortunate. A portfolio can yield big returns for 20 years and then in one year set back all prior gains.

You can minimize this risk either by withdrawing a constant, non-inflation-adjusted, amount every year, or you could take an approach that incorporates guarantees with annuities.

2. Alternatives to Bonds

Bond interest rates move inversely with their prices, meaning that today’s bond holdings will drop in value in the future because interest rates have been predicted to rise in the coming years. Many retirees and investors have tried to combat this with dividend stock investments, but these can be volatile and risky, sometimes offering more problems than bonds.

One strategy that has worked to assist retirees from bond and stock market conditions while allowing them to retain income like a bond investment has been annuities. Besides this, other advantages include removal of bond default risk, and simplification of your investment management, which includes not having to pay management fees.

3. Principal Protection

Finally, annuities can be wonderful tools because of the principal protection they offer. Some annuities come with a guarantee that you will get all your initial deposit back from the insurance company at some point in time, generally to help make up for losses you may experience (in the case of variable annuities). The cost for this service is the only downfall to consider, usually in the form of an extra expense.

Downsides of Annuities

While annuities do offer a lot of positives, there are, of course, some negatives to consider. Variable annuities can come with a bevy of fees (such as a mortality and expense fee, administrative fees and the costs for riders), and they can be complicated and confusing to buy. In addition, they are guaranteed by the company that issues them, so it pays to check the company’s rating with a credit-rating firm such as Moody’s.

Another potential downfall is the amount of time you need to wait to have access the principal and interest, which is called the surrender period. Most companies make investors wait five to 10 years. So, you’d better be confident that you won’t have to withdraw your entire balance before that period is up, otherwise you’ll be looking at paying a surrender charge.

Also, if you take payments while you’re under age 59½, you may be faced with an additional 10% penalty from the IRS.

Who Should (and Shouldn’t) Consider Annuities

For investors who don’t need to secure a guaranteed stream of income for the rest of their lives or who aren’t worried about potential stock market fluctuations, annuities are most likely not the right fit.

However, for investors who would like higher interest rates than a CD, want to create a “personal pension” to last them through the rest of their lives or who want out of the stock market altogether, an annuity can be a considerable alternative.

In conclusion, annuities are not for everyone, but they can be a viable solution to Baby Boomers approaching retirement.

See Also: 4 Questions to Ask Before Adding an Annuity to Your Retirement Plan

Carlos Dias Jr. is a wealth manager and founder of Excel Tax & Wealth Group, an advisory firm offering strategic financial planning services to high-net-worth individuals, business owners, executives and retirees. He maintains a highly personal approach by accounting for the distinct needs that his clients have at different points in their financial lives. Dias is a contributor for Forbes, the Huffington Post, Kiplinger and MarketWatch.

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