퇴직연금 가입자교육의 중요성

연금시장 2018. 11. 3. 00:35

미국 와튼스쿨의 연금연구소( the Pension Research Council)가 발표한 “Assessing the Impact of Financial Education Programs: A Quantitative Model"의 연구결과에 의하면 꾸준히 금융교육을 받은 40대의 경우 은퇴시점에 퇴직연금자산이 10% 이상 증가한다고 합니다. 반면에 일회성 교육을 받은 경우는 단기적으로는 효과가 있어도 장기적으로는 의미가 없다고 합니다.

연구소는 가입자교육의 성과를 측정하고자 재산, 재무지식, 주식투자여부 등을 가지고 패널자료를 만들어 분석하였습니다. 가입자교육에 가장 관심이 많은 연령층은 40~60대 층이었고, 고등교육을 받은 사람일 수록 참여도가 높았습니다.

그러나 교육에 불참하는 사람은 가난하고 금융지식이 부족한 사람으로 분석되었습니다.

 교육의 대상과 방법이 맞춤식으로 가야한다는 것을 시사하는 것같습니다.



출처 : https://www.plansponsor.com/continuous-financial-education-improves-retirement-outcomes/

Continuous Financial Education Improves Retirement Outcomes

A research report says "financial education delivered to employees around the age of 40 will optimally enhance savings at retirement close to 10%. By contrast, programs that provide one-time education can generate short-term but few long-term effects.”

By Lee Barney

However, the council says that people between the ages of 40 and 60 are the most likely to participate in workplace financial wellness programs, since this is when they tend to save the most in their working lives.

“Furthermore, we find that program participation is higher for the better-educated, due to the larger gain in investing in knowledge for these individuals,” the council says. “Conversely, the least educated are less likely to partake of the program offering. The uneducated optimally save less, both as a result of their greater reliance on the social safety net, and their shorter life expectancies.” Additionally, higher-cost financial wellness programs have lower participation rates.

The council found that those who participate in a financial wellness program “have higher earnings, more initial knowledge and more wealth, while nonparticipants are poorer, earn less and have little financial knowledge at baseline. This occurs regardless of the age at which the program is offered.”

The council says it is important to offer financial wellness programs consistently: “After the program expires, we see that those who participate in the program cut back on their investment. Along with the depreciation in financial knowledge, this leads to a dampening of the program’s effect when it is offered. After the initial ramp-up in financial knowledge, the marginal effect on behavior is quite small. The net effect of a one-year program offered at age 30 is quite small, particularly by the time the worker attains age 65. In other words, a one-time financial education program may have little effect, as expected, but the long-term effects of a persistent financial education program can be quite sizable.”

The full report can be downloaded here.

출처: http://cantan.tistory.com/entry/퇴직연금-가입자교육의-중요성?category=810200 [High Thinking, Simple Living]


