UK life expectancy rises among worst in developed world
인간의 수명이 계속 늘어나기만 할 것 같았는데 그렇지만은 않네요.
영국에서 기대여명의 증가율이 남자 65세는 71%, 여자 65세는 90% 낮아졌다고 합니다.
부과방식의 공적연금은 그간 기대여명이 계속 늘어나는 통에 꾸준히 연금 수령 나이를 늦춰왔는데 이젠 재고해야하지 않냐는 언급이 있습니다.
The data shows that British women saw the biggest slowdown, with average life expectancy increases slumping 90% to 1.2 weeks, compared with 12.9 weeks over the previous six years.
Only the US recorded a greater downturn than the UK for males, with British men seeing their life expectancy improvements fall nearly 76% from 17.3 weeks to 4.2 weeks.
This is in stark contrast to life expectancy growth recorded among several Scandinavian countries, and a reversal of the 2006-2011 data when the UK was among the top performers.
Former pensions minister, Steve Webb, said the “worrying” trends highlight the need for more government research, suggesting there may be “longer term factors at work”.
“There is a real human cost behind these statistics and we urgently need to understand more about why this is happening,” he continued.
“If other countries can ride out economic storms and continue to drive up life expectancy, there is no reason why the UK should not be able to do so.”
The data shows that the slowdown in life expectancy improvements was most pronounced among 65-to-79-year-olds in the 20 countries studied, with females more affected than males.
The UK also experienced the biggest slowdown in life expectancy growth for both males and females aged 65, falling by 71% and 90% respectively.
Royal London pensions specialist, Helen Morrissey, said the assumption that dramatic life expectancy improvements will continue forever “continues to be challenged.”
“Planned increases in the state pension age will need to be reviewed to take account of the latest data, and pension schemes may find that their liabilities are lower than expected,” she continued.
“Much more work is needed to understand the reasons for this data so that pension funds and providers understand whether this is a temporary slowdown or part of a much longer-term trend.”
감독원, 변액연금 상품안내장 간소화 허가 (0) | 2018.11.06 |
부모 사망후 상속세를 8년후에 계산해도 되는 곳에서 벌어지는 일은? (0) | 2018.08.25 |
빅데이터 활용을 통한 보험사기 적발과 거액 보험금 발생 예측 (0) | 2018.08.07 |
보험료가 저렴해진다면 개인정보를 보험회사에 기꺼이 넘긴다 (0) | 2018.06.22 |
인공지능과 실직에 대한 각국의 반응 (0) | 2018.06.16 |
2018년에 글로벌 보험회사가 보험금 지급시스템과 보험사기 방지 시스템 개선을 위해서 약 24억달러(2조7천억원)를 투자할 것이며,
2021년에는 36억달러까지 증가할 것으로 예상된다. ...
보험회사들에 의하면 빅데이터 활용을 통해 보험사기 적발률을 60% 대로 늘렸고, 거액 보험금 발생 예측도 약 80% 정도의 정확성을 확보했다고 한다.
출처 :
That is according to a new report from research and consultancy firm SNS Telecom & IT, which also predicts that big data investments will hit nearly $3.6bn by the end of 2021.
“Led by a plethora of business opportunities for insurers, these investments are expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 14% over the next three years,” the company said.
Based on feedback from insurers worldwide, it was found that big data has led to a more than 30% increase in access to insurance services, and cut policy administration work by half.
It has also improved fraud detection rates by 60%, resulted in large loss claims predictions with nearly 80% accuracy, and led to cost savings in claims management of up to 70%.
In addition, big data has accelerated processing of non-emergency claims by a staggering 90%, and is playing a “pivotal role” in facilitating the adoption of on-demand insurance models.
“Particularly in auto, life and health insurance, as well as the insurance of new and underinsured risks such as cyber crime,” SNS Telecom & IT said.
“Amid the proliferation of real-time and historical data from sources such as connected devices, web, social media, and transactional applications, big data is rapidly gaining traction.”
This comes after a survey of executives by software provider AdvantageGo found that upgrading technology is the number one priority for insurance companies across the world.
It was also found that three-quarters are involved in data analytics and big data projects, with more than half looking at machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain.
“Whether companies want to be ahead of the game or are simply anxious about being left behind, all sectors of the market are taking InsurTech seriously,” AdvantageGo executive vice-president, Adrian Morgan, said.
부모 사망후 상속세를 8년후에 계산해도 되는 곳에서 벌어지는 일은? (0) | 2018.08.25 |
수명증가 추세가 처음으로 둔화되었습니다 (0) | 2018.08.13 |
보험료가 저렴해진다면 개인정보를 보험회사에 기꺼이 넘긴다 (0) | 2018.06.22 |
인공지능과 실직에 대한 각국의 반응 (0) | 2018.06.16 |
저소득층의 아동 사망률도 많이 개선되었습니다 (0) | 2018.06.03 |
사람들은 보험료가 저렴하다면 기꺼이 자신의 개인정보를 보험회사에 넘긴다고 합니다.
특히 18-34세의 젊은 층은 66.6%가 이 행위에 긍정적이라고 합니다. 싱가포르와 미국이 영국보다 훨씬 긍정적인데 전세계 8000명을 대상으로 조사했다고 합니다.
보험회사가 이 정보를 잘 활용할 수 있도록 플랫폼 기반을 구축하는 것이 시급하다고 합니다.
That is according to new research by MuleSoft, which finds that young people are particularly open to the idea, with nearly two-thirds of 18-34-year-olds willing to share data this way.
Geographically, customers in Singapore and the US were happiest for insurers to use social media and internet of things (IoT) data, while those in the UK were least open to the concept.
Mulesoft EMEA client architect, Jerome Bugnet, said the insurance industry should work with regulators to give customers the option of sharing more data in return for personalised premiums.
However, he added: “Insurers are already struggling to deliver a connected experience before even considering how they bring all these new data sources into the equation.
“Those that are unable to overcome this challenge risk damaging customer loyalty and falling behind the more innovative insurance providers.”
The research involved a survey of more than 8,000 customers, finding that 58% think insurers provide a “disconnected experience”, with 56% open to changing providers as a result.
It was also found that 30% have given up on interacting with an insurance company because the information sharing process was too difficult.
Almost half of customers believe that applying for or renewing a policy should take no longer than an hour, with at least a quarter having had to re-submit information when making an application or claim.
Some 45% would like to use messaging services like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger when engaging with an insurer, with 22% having used a chatbot in the last 12 months.
“If they want to remain relevant, insurers need to engage on their customers’ terms, using modern channels and technologies such as messaging platforms and chatbots,” Bugnet continued.
“Insurers should therefore build an ‘insurance as a platform’ environment, where they can collaborate with internal teams, InsurTech companies and other partners.”
수명증가 추세가 처음으로 둔화되었습니다 (0) | 2018.08.13 |
빅데이터 활용을 통한 보험사기 적발과 거액 보험금 발생 예측 (0) | 2018.08.07 |
인공지능과 실직에 대한 각국의 반응 (0) | 2018.06.16 |
저소득층의 아동 사망률도 많이 개선되었습니다 (0) | 2018.06.03 |
자동차보험료 지역별 차등제 (0) | 2018.05.27 |
인공지능과 로보트가 사람의 일자리를 뺏을 거라는 걱정이 많습니다. 그런데 인도사람은 59%, 나이지리아 사람은 65%로 높은 수치인데 반해 영국인은 25%만 이것을 걱정하네요. 선진국과 후진국의 산업구조를 보고 당장 기계가 대체할 일자리가 뭔지 보면 당연한 현상이겠죠!
Streetbees라는 회사가 영국인 800명을 포함해서 전세계 3,400명을 대상으로 조사했다고 하네요.
출처 :
That is according to new research by Streetbees, which finds that a quarter of Brits already believe their jobs could be done by robots today, with roles in manufacturing and finance thought to be most at risk.
To combat this, two-thirds believe there should be rules in place to stop companies replacing staff with machines, with just 15% of the adults studied disagreeing.
“Technology is disrupting the economy and society from top to bottom, and our research shows that people in the UK recognise its potential to completely change how we live and work,” Streetbees CEO, Tugce Bulut, said.
“Clearly, many British people aren’t sure what technological progress means – not just when it comes to their own jobs and futures, but also for the country as a whole.”
The research involved gathering the views of over 3,400 people worldwide, including more than 800 adults in the UK.
When asked what jobs machines will do better than humans in the next 20 years, Brits were most likely to say data processing, followed by data collection and manufacturing.
However, respondents in developing countries were even more concerned about the impact of technology, with 83% of Indians worried machines will take jobs from people, compared with 67% of Brits.
It was also found that 59% of Indians and 65% of Nigerians believe they could loose their job to a machine today, compared to a quarter of British people.
This comes after a report from the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) found that jobs in the finance and accounting sector may be some of the most under threat by automation.
It states that new technology could put people out of work and push down wages, but also boost productivity, phase out mundane work, and improve living standards.
“Whether or not artificial intelligence and robotics helps or hinders workers will come down to the choices we make as employers, policymakers, consumers, investors and the wider public,” the report adds.
빅데이터 활용을 통한 보험사기 적발과 거액 보험금 발생 예측 (0) | 2018.08.07 |
보험료가 저렴해진다면 개인정보를 보험회사에 기꺼이 넘긴다 (0) | 2018.06.22 |
저소득층의 아동 사망률도 많이 개선되었습니다 (0) | 2018.06.03 |
자동차보험료 지역별 차등제 (0) | 2018.05.27 |
건강하게 오래살기 아이디어 공모 (0) | 2018.05.20 |
저출산이 문제겠지만, 일단 태어난 아이들은 옛날에 비해 무탈하게 잘 살고 있습니다.
OECD자료에 의하면 1960년과 비교해서 전반적으로 소득과 무관하게 유아가 만 5세이전에 사망할 확률(뮈 아동 사망률이라고 불러도 좋을 듯)이 좋아졌는데, 특희 저소득 아동의 사망률이 급감한 것이 한눈에 들어옵니다.
50년전에는 4명중 1명 이상이 죽었는데 이제는 10% 미만이 되었고, 고소득층 아동 사망률과의 차이도 많이 줄었습니다.
보험료가 저렴해진다면 개인정보를 보험회사에 기꺼이 넘긴다 (0) | 2018.06.22 |
인공지능과 실직에 대한 각국의 반응 (0) | 2018.06.16 |
자동차보험료 지역별 차등제 (0) | 2018.05.27 |
건강하게 오래살기 아이디어 공모 (0) | 2018.05.20 |
중국의 외국 보험회사 확대 정책 (0) | 2018.05.20 |
캐나다의 자동차보험료는 지역별 차등제를 적용하고 있습니다. 자기의 운전중 사고이력이나 운전행태와 상관없이 자기가 거주하고 있는 지역의 상태가 어떤지 그리고 자기주변에 어떤 자동차 사고이력을 가진 이웃과 거주하느냐에 따라 보험료가 바뀌는 거죠.
캐나다의 운전자 Steven Baker 씨는 Ossington Avenue 에서 도로폭이 비슷한 약 4km 북쪽 St. Clair Avenue 로 이사하는 통에 자동차보험의 연간보험료가 1,950달러(약162만원)에서 2,560달러(213만원)로 30.8%가 상승했다고 합니다.
보험가격을 산출하는 과학자이고 전문가인 보험계리사(actuary)는 통계자료를 바탕으로 어느 지역에서 자동차사고가 가장 많이 발생하는지를 기초로 보험료를 결정합니다. 과거에 많이 났으니 미래에도 유사하리라고 생각하는 거죠. 지역적으로 가까울지라도 교차로의 갯수, 교통표지판, 운전 제한속도 등이 환경이 다른 것도 가격차이을 만듭니다.
하지만, 보험의 원리야 어떻든 Baker씨는 억울합니다!
출처 :
A few days after moving, Steven Baker thought he was being diligent by phoning his insurance company to inform it that his home address had changed.
Once the provider put the new location into the computer, Baker says, he was told his car insurance shot up by about $600 a year — from $1,950 a year to $2,560.
"I was shocked," said Baker. "I asked them why. Nothing had changed. I hadn't had any accidents."
Baker said his provider, TD Insurance, told him the increase was because of his new postal code.
Baker had moved from a side street near Ossington Avenue and College Street to a similar sized road about four kilometres north near St. Clair Avenue and Dufferin Street.
"If you look, the two streets, they're almost identical in terms of the type of neighbourhood and the amount of traffic," said Baker.
Insurance expert Anne Marie Thomas said the reasons behind premiums aren't always easily visible.
"Actuaries look at statistics and instances to determine where accidents happen most frequently," said Thomas. "Where accidents happened historically is likely where they are going to happen in the future."
Thomas works for, a company that monitors insurance rates and helps consumers compare rates from different providers. also has mapped out areas in the Greater Toronto Area by postal code to show where rates are the highest.
CBC News Toronto used to compare the rates between Baker's new postal code and his old one.
How Ontario's soaring auto insurance rates could swing the provincial election
For a single 30-year-old with a clean driving record in a Ford Focus, TD's rates went up to $2,565 a year from $1,835. Thomas said there could be numerous factors that cause that increase. The roads may be wider, speed limits higher or there could be more theft in Baker's new area. When Baker asked TD Insurance for an explanation, he said, the person on the phone told him his new location had more intersections.
"I asked him if he could tell me a neighborhood where I could move to where my insurance rates would go down, and he said Front Street," said Baker. "That got me a bit upset because that's all intersections and [Front Street is] much busier than the neighborhood that I moved into."
The downtown section of Front Street near Union Station may seem busier, but Thomas said that congestion leads to less severe accidents, something actuaries take into account.
"We're not going at 60 km/h," said Thomas. "Because of traffic we're going at 20 km/h. If we hit the vehicle in front of us the damage is going to be less."
CBC reached out to TD Insurance with Baker's information and the company confirmed that risk profiles are tied to a person's neighbourhood.
"Even within small geographic distances, claims rates can vary widely due to a number of factors like traffic density, levels of pedestrian traffic and weather exposure," said TD Bank Group spokesperson Crystal Jongeward.
Still, the idea of setting a driver's rate based on their address frustrates Baker, and he's going to start looking into other providers.
"A driver's behaviour and accident record is what they should be looking at. Not where someone happens to be parking their car," said Baker.
The practice of determining premiums based on postal codes has been under scrutiny for a while. Both the NDP and the Liberals are promising to halt it if they're elected next month.
Thomas said that although it sounds like a good idea, she doesn't know how it could work, because "so many facets of an insurance premium are tied to where you live."
인공지능과 실직에 대한 각국의 반응 (0) | 2018.06.16 |
저소득층의 아동 사망률도 많이 개선되었습니다 (0) | 2018.06.03 |
건강하게 오래살기 아이디어 공모 (0) | 2018.05.20 |
중국의 외국 보험회사 확대 정책 (0) | 2018.05.20 |
금융사기에 취약한 고령층 (0) | 2018.05.13 |
미국 보험계리사회(SOA)가 그냥 장수하는 것이 아니라 건강하게 오래사는 것(Will; Workable Innovations for Living Longer)에 대해 고민하고 있네요.
보험계리적인 측면이외에 사회적, 육체적, 정신건강적 측면에서 다양한 아이디어를 계리사뿐만아니라 일반인들을 상대로 폭넓게 아이디어를 모집하고 있네요. 5월말까지이니까 혹시 아이디어 있으신 분들은 응모하세요
출처 :
2018 SOA Workable Innovations for Living Longer Contest
The Society of Actuaries (SOA) has long recognized that the actuarial profession could play a key role in helping public stakeholders (general public, policy makers, and regulators) understand the drivers of changing longevity. However, ideas on improving longevity and mortality can come from all types of professions. This led the SOA Longevity Advisory Group and SOA Research Department to hold a Workable Innovations for Living Longer (WILL) Contest, which allows for individuals or teams (actuarial and non-actuarial) to submit an idea that will help people extend their healthy life expectancy by social, physical, and/or psychological methods.
Research Insights - 2018 SOA Workable Innovations for Living Longer Contest
Whether you are an individual with an idea, or a team with unlimited members, the contest is meant to inspire creative ideas and solutions to extend healthy life expectancies. There are only two limitations on what ideas can be submitted: 1) it must be something that can be practically used or performed to help people achieve a longer life expectancy, and 2) it must be a new idea (see the official rules for more information).
Submissions will be in the form of an up to two-minute video “pitch” and a written explanation (no more than 1,000 words) of the idea from the individual/team. The video (or YouTube hyperlink) and written explanation must be submitted to Karen M. Williams at no later than May 31, 2018.
Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:
Finals to Be Held at the 2018 SOA Annual Meeting & Exhibit in Nashville, Tenn., October 2018
After an initial round of interviews with select entrants, up to 5 finalists will be notified by July 31, 2018. All finalists (individual or one individual per team) will receive round trip airfare, one night of hotel accommodations at the Omni Nashville, and complimentary one-day registration for the 2018 SOA Annual Meeting & Exhibit in Nashville on October 15, 2018. The finalists will make a live presentation of their ideas at a session at this meeting, where votes from the judges and audience will determine the winners.
The Grand Prize is $10,000, with Second Place Winner receiving $5,000, and Third Place Winner receiving $1,000.
Read the official rules of the 2018 SOA Workable Innovations for Living Longer (WILL) Contest and send submissions by May 31, 2018. Any questions or clarifications on these rules should be directed to the SOA via email to
저소득층의 아동 사망률도 많이 개선되었습니다 (0) | 2018.06.03 |
자동차보험료 지역별 차등제 (0) | 2018.05.27 |
중국의 외국 보험회사 확대 정책 (0) | 2018.05.20 |
금융사기에 취약한 고령층 (0) | 2018.05.13 |
생애주기 소비 최적화 (0) | 2018.05.07 |
중국 상하이 시정부가 상하이를 세계적인 금융센터로 만들기 위해서 외국계 보험회사와 금융기관에게 문호를 더 넓힌다고 합니다.
외국계 보험회사의 지점, 자회사 뿐만아니라 외국 자본이 설립하는 펀드, 증권회사 등의 설립을 적극 지원한다고 합니다.
특히 상하이에 기반을 둔 외국자본의 보험회사의 대상이 확대될 예정이라고 합니다.
Shanghai to further open up finance sector
In the near future, the city will further open up banking, securities, and insurance sectors, according to the municipal finance authority.
Foreign-funded banks will be encouraged to set up both branches and subsidiaries in Shanghai. The city will also support establishment of securities, fund, and futures companies with majority ownership by foreign capital.
The scope of Shanghai-based foreign-funded insurance companies will be expanded.
The financial market will open wider. For example, the city will support overseas investors to invest in its securities market and overseas innovative enterprises will be allowed to issue Chinese Depository Receipt in Shanghai.
The practice of free trade accounts, which enable funds to move freely between the free trade zone (FTZ) and offshore entities, would be spread to pilot FTZs in the Yangtze River Delta region and the Yangtze River economic belt. The investment and financing function of those accounts would be expanded.
Shanghai will open its market for bank card clearing institutions and non-bank payment services providers, while relaxing the restrictions on credit rating services for foreign-funded financial services companies.
The city will advance financial reforms, without slacking in risk control, said a spokesperson with the authority.
자동차보험료 지역별 차등제 (0) | 2018.05.27 |
건강하게 오래살기 아이디어 공모 (0) | 2018.05.20 |
금융사기에 취약한 고령층 (0) | 2018.05.13 |
생애주기 소비 최적화 (0) | 2018.05.07 |
1967년부터 2016년까지 인구가 50% 증가했에도 보험 보유계약 수는 동일 (0) | 2018.03.11 |