보험회사 자기자본 규제 강화로 25% 퇴출

보험계리 2018. 7. 24. 22:13

강화된 자기자본 규제가 실행으로 2022년쯤 러시아 보험회사의 25%가 퇴출될 것으로 예상된다.

한편 2018년7월12일 러시아 Duma 주는 2022년까지 현행 1억2천 루블(약 21억6천만원)의 보험회사 최소 요구 자본(minumum capital requirement)을 3억루블(약 54억원) 수준으로 인상하는 법안을 채택했다.

러시아 VSK 보험합작회사의 부회장인 Aleksey Chub는 이 법안이 보험회사의 경쟁을 제한하고 대형회사로의 합병을 유도할 것이다라고 말했다.


출처 : http://www.xprimm.com/RUSSIA-new-law-may-slow-down-development-of-the-insurance-market-and-reduce-the-number-of-insurers-by-quarter-articol-2,12,33-11668.htm

RUSSIA: new law may slow down development of the insurance market and reduce the number of insurers by quarter

State Duma on July 12 adopted the law on stepping up the requirements for the minimal charter capital of insurers from RUB 120 million* to RUB 300 million. Some insurers believe that after its enactment more than 25% of insurers will leave the market, wrote the portal ASN.

According to the experts and the Managing director on insurance ratings of the RAEX agency ("Expert RA" national rating agency) Aleksey YANIN, the share of big companies in the market will not change and there will be no significant effect on the market's development in general, due to domination of the big companies, and the number of players, who will probably leave the market after enactment of new requirements for charter capital, in terms of total GWP will account for not more than 2%. However, in terms of the total number of market players around 25-30% companies may leave, though, RAEX experts think, those companies will include just weak inactive players who do not carry on stable real business.

Senior Vice-president of VSK company, Aleksey CHUB, assumes that adoption of new law will lead to partial re-distribution of the market shares in favor of the big companies, thus their market shares will slightly increase, and such consolidation will mitigate competition, which is really important for the market. However, the law provides for the phased increase of charter capital until 2022 and companies with serious plans will have enough time to undertake necessary measures to comply with new requirements, added CHUB.

Representatives of such companies as AlphaStrakhovanie and URALSIB Insurance believe that new requirements will not influence substantially on the market, since the share of small insurers is not big, but some experts think new law to slow down the market and affect customers who prefer to work with certain regional insurers, because increasing the minimal amount of charter capital will limit competition first of all in regions.

*for approximative calculation EUR 1 = RUB 73.1345 (19.07.2018 by the Central Bank).


