은퇴준비에 무관심한 사람들

연금시장 2018. 7. 26. 22:31

미국의 65세 부부가 은퇴후 스스로 부담해야할 의료관련 비용은 올해기준으로 28만 달러로 추정되는데 작년에 비해 2%가량 상승했고 2002년에 비해서는 75%나 큰 금액입니다. 무엇보다도 예년보다 더 장수하게되니 추정되는 비용이 계속 늘어나는 거죠.

그런데, National Institute on Retirement Security에 따르면 미국의 4천만 가구가 전혀 이 비용을 위한 저축을 안하고 있답니다. 그래서 요즘 같이 미국이 호황이어도 아무 상관없는 거죠.

일부 웹사이트에서 2500명을 대상으로 기초적인 은퇴관련 지식을 퀴즈로 냈는데 딸랑 2%만 답을 맞췄답니다.

은퇴준비에 대한 무관심과 무지는 우리나라만의 문제는 아닌가 봅니다.


출처 : https://www.marketwatch.com/story/americans-are-clueless-about-retirement-take-this-quiz-and-see-if-youre-any-better-2018-07-24


Take this quiz to see if you’re as clueless as the rest of America when it comes to your retirement

Published: July 25, 2018 12:09 p.m. ET

Are you ready to retire?


Social-media editor

Americans are woefully unprepared for retirement. The evidence is everywhere, and it’s pretty scary, considering we’re living longer than ever.

Read: 5 habits that could prolong your life by a decade

One of the most troubling stats comes from the National Institute on Retirement Security, which found nearly 40 million households have no retirement savings at all. For them, the bull market doesn’t mean that much.

Read: Not ready for retirement? You’re not alone

Another red flag comes from Fidelity. Apparently, a 65-year-old couple retiring this year will need $280,000 to cover health care and medical expenses throughout retirement. That’s up 2% from a year ago and 75% from 2002.

It’s not getting any cheaper.

So, how are we supposed to better get a handle on the future? It all starts with education, and, if a survey from GoBankingRates.com is any indication, there’s a lot of work to do on that front, as well.

The personal finance website polled 2,500 Americans about their “basic” retirement knowledge, and determined that only 2% of respondents passed the quiz. To be fair, it’s not as easy as it sounds.

Try it for yourself and let us know how you fared in the comments:



