첨단과학기술과 보험영업
첨단과학기술이 보험산업에 미치는 영향은 매우 긍정적입니다. 특히 원격계측이 가능한 자동차, 웨어러블 의료기기의 활용은 보험사의 언더라이팅 업무의 효율성을 획기적으로 개선시킨 것으로 평가됩니다.
미국 자동차보험회사 Progressive Auto에 따르면 원격계측기술을 통해 가입자의 운전행태를 40~50% 더 잘 예측할 수 있다고 합니다.
Risk Management
Insurance sector poised to benefit from technology
NEW YORK — Technology such as telematics and data capture are helping the insurance industry in many ways, according to insurers and brokers.
Technology can even help inform underwriting and alter the customer experience, they said Tuesday at Fitch Ratings Inc.’s North American Insurance Conference.
“Technology helps us know more about more things with more certainty than ever before,” Robert Bauer, head of innovation and sharing economy practice group for American International Group Inc. in New York, said. “Isn’t that a gift to an underwriter?”
Nate Collins, assistant vice president for digital transformation strategy at American Family Mutual Insurance Co. S.I. in Madison, Wisconsin, said technology “is a way to create a better customer experience or solve for operational inefficiencies.”
As a broker, Adam Troyer, managing director for reinsurance solutions at Aon Benfield in Chicago, sits in between and among many insurtech companies, startups, and clients looking to embrace emerging technologies. “Large companies have teams focusing on technology, but many smaller companies don’t, yet still want to take advantage of that technology,” he said, adding Aon tries to help firms all along that spectrum.
Telematics was singled out as an example of a technology that can provide more information about something like driving, Mr. Bauer said, including data on variables such as speed, acceleration, braking and more.
“There’s telematics for cars, for gas turbines, for humans, if you want to think about that as wearables,” Mr. Troyer said, emphasizing the widespread use of the technology.
Telematics, he continued, allows the pricing of insurance to be much better informed, citing Progressive Auto, which he called the leader in telematics, as an example, saying that according to the company using driving behavior via telematics was 40% to 50% more predictive than other metrics like credit score.
“The sweet spot is wrapping coaching and programs around” the driver experience data collected by telematics “to change customer behavior,” Mr. Collins said. Drivers, for example, could be instructed on how to improve behavior to become a better risk.
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