금융사기에 취약한 고령층

보험영업 2018. 5. 13. 18:19

노령층이 금융사기(Financial Fraud)에 취약한 것은 우리나라나 미국이나 똑같습니다.
최근 한 설문조사에 의하면 총 1260명의 응답자 중에서 3%는 꽁짜식사대접을 받고나서, 1%는 낯선 사람의 이메일이나 전화를 받고 나서, 1%는 친지나 자산운용상담사에게 속아서 투자한 경험이 있다고 답했습니다....

은행, 보험사 등은 금융사기에 취약할 수밖에 없는 고령층고객 보호를 보다 강화해야하고, 노령층의 재무적 지력(financial literacy)이 낮아지는것에 대해서 정책당국은 적절한 대책을 마련할 필요가 있습니다.


출처 : https://blogs.wsj.com/experts/2018/05/09/elder-financial-fraud-is-worse-than-we-thought-heres-what-we-can-do-about-it/


Elder Financial Fraud Is Worse Than We Thought. Here’s What We Can Do About It.

Almost 8% of an over-50 group recently surveyed admitted that they had fallen prey to at least one fraudulent activity over the past five years, says WSJ Wealth Expert Olivia Mitchell.
Almost 8% of an over-50 group recently surveyed admitted that they had fallen prey to at least one fraudulent activity over the past five years, says WSJ Wealth Expert Olivia Mitchell. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto



By Olivia S. Mitchell 


The Wall Street Journal Biography

May 9, 2018 11:42 am ET



Olivia S. Mitchell (@OS_Mitchell) is a professor of insurance/risk management and business economics/policy at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.


Our parents’ financial rules of thumb were pretty simple and easy to follow: Neither a borrower nor a lender be, pay back your mortgage before retiring, and balance your bank checkbook every month to be sure you’re living within your budget.


By contrast, today’s financial marketplace is far more complex, with its multitude of online banking and brokerage accounts, variable rate and adjustable mortgages, borrowing from your 401(k), loans, rent-to-own and payday lenders, ETFs, cryptocurrency, and much more.  Against this backdrop, older Americans are particularly vulnerable to financial victimization since they hold more wealth than their younger counterparts and tend to be less financially savvy.To investigate financial victimization at older ages and the consequences of financial mismanagement, our recent research used the Health and Retirement Study, a nationally representative survey of Americans over the age of 50. We asked respondents several questions about whether they had been victimized by financial fraud within the past five years, by which we meant: investing money after a meeting that offered a free meal and educational information for some sort of investment; investing after receiving a cold call from someone they didn’t know; or investing in penny stocks or in investments that guaranteed daily returns of more than 10%.


Of the 1,260 respondents surveyed, only 3% said they had invested after being given a free meal; only 1% invested after receiving a phone call or email from someone they didn’t know; 1% invested in investments paying off more than 10% a day or penny stock/oil-and-gas deals; and 1% said they had purchased a fraudulent investment recommended by a friend, relative or financial adviser in the past five years. Another 1% said they had bought investments where they had been knowingly misled.

All told, almost 8% of the over-50 group admitted that they had fallen prey to at least one of these fraudulent activities over the past five years. What’s more, exposure to financial fraud uncovered in our study was twice as large as reported in other studies, probably because we probed for specific instances of financial fraud while other studies did not.

Casting a wider net, we also found that almost one-third indicated that others had used or attempted to use the respondent’s accounts without permission, and one-third said that they had been exposed to financial scams during the past five years. This figure is far higher than found in other studies that have asked less detailed questions about victimization at older ages.

Accordingly, we conclude that financial fraud experienced by the over-50 population is a large and important problem, and more prevalent than commonly believed.

So what can be done?

Banks, insurers, credit-card companies and online service providers need to enhance protections for their older customers to ensure that they are not financially victimized. Several new efforts are under way; for instance, the AARP has a new program training bank tellers how to recognize when customers show signs of declining mental capacity or are being financially exploited.

Meanwhile, the use of robocall blockers like Nomorobo can help shut down the increasing number of  phone scammers and telemarketers targeting cellphone numbers.

Policymakers also will need to do more to protect our nation’s aging and increasingly financially vulnerable population. Several states have laws on the books protecting elders from financial exploitation, permitting triple damages for victims winning legal cases against their perpetrators. This needs to expand. The Senate’s Special Committee on Aging’s fraud hotline at 1-855-303-9470 can help by offering steps that consumers can take. And the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is still open for complaints about financial fraud.

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