풍부한 일자리를 제공하는 보험산업

보험영업 2018. 2. 27. 01:15



맥캔지의 설문조사에 의하면 지난 3년간 디지털화 측면에서 금융분야는 39% 수준에 해당하여 중점변화(core change) 단계에 있다고 합니다. (이미 본격 디지털화 단계인 미디어 산업분야(62%)보다는 낮지만 전산업 평균인 37% 보다 높은 수치입니다.)

인공지능(AI)을 활용한 인슈테크(insurtech)가 발달 등의 급격한 변화의 단계에서 보험산업분야는 보험소비자의 니즈에 유연하고 효과적으로 대응할 수 있는 사람을 필요로 합니다.


보험산업이 우리 사회에 기여하는 상호부조라는 선의의 측면과 전체 경제의 성장( 보험산업은 2017년 미국 GDP의 3.1%인 반면 은행은 2.8%, 증권은 1.3%에 불과), 안정성 확보, 혁신의 측면에서 볼때 보험분야의 채용이 절실합니다.

무한한 잠재력을 가진 보험분야 경력자가 우리 사회의 차세대 지도자가 될 것이라는 것을 쉽게 깨달을 수 있는 기회(teachable moment)가 지금인 셈입니다.

미국은 보험산업이 보험영업, 재무, 리스크관리, 빅데이터 처리 등의 다양한 분야에서 2백8십만개의 일자리를 제공하고 있습니다.
하지만 이제는 보험과 전혀 관련이 없어보이는 역사학자, 드론 조종사, 사회학자 그리고 게임 종사자 마저도 보험분야의 전문가로 채용할 수 있습니다. 학력, 경력과 무관하게 누구나 보험분야에서 자신의 career path를 만들어 나갈 수 있습니다.

보험산업은 이 새로운 세대를 지원하기 적합한 기업문화(work/life balance)와 매일 매일 생각하고 배우고 성장할 수 있는 기회를 제공할 것입니다.



미국 보험협회(I.I.I.)회장인 Sean Kevelighan의 말을 요약해봤습니다


출처 : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/insurance-having-its-teachable-moment-careers-sean-kevelighan

Insurance Is Having Its Teachable Moment About Careers

Remember that classic scene from the movie “Groundhog Day,” when Bill Murray’s character, Phil Connors, punches the insurance guy, Ned Ryerson, in the face? While Ol’ Ned’s more caricature than character, he nevertheless personifies what so many think about working in insurance. Yes, if you want to aggressively sell policies on the street, there’s a job out there for you—and there’s nothing wrong with that. But what people should really understand is that insurance careers are diverse and built to last a lifetime. And if more people knew about the vast number and range of opportunities, they would be knocked off their feet (pun reference to Ned intended…).  

The Revolution Will Be Digitized (And We’re Recruiting the People Who Will Lead It) 

Like virtually all other industries, insurance is on the brink of an innovation revolution. Advances in insurtech applications, such as applying artificial intelligence (AI) to claims and underwriting processes, are creating a demand for employees who can mainstream these breakthroughs and evolve new solutions that will make insurers more agile, efficient and responsive to customer needs.  

Developing and onboarding the talent necessary to bring about this revolution represents just one aspect of the immense commitment being made by insurance businesses: A Tata Consulting Services survey of 13 global industries (a list that includes banking, energy, telecom, high tech and industrial manufacturing), notes that the insurance sector, on average, outspends all other industries in AI investment by a wide margin. And this is just the beginning… A quick look at Chart 1, from a recent McKinsey study, “The Case for Digital Reinvention,” shows that the financial services sector is still far from reaching mainstream adoption of digital technologies. But among financial services businesses, insurers are investing in and embracing digital in every facet of our business—and at a breakneck pace—creating great opportunities to work in an industry that’s holding nothing back in its drive to be a leader in tech innovation.  

Chart 1

This trend toward investing in the people and innovations that help insurers solve their personal and commercial lines customers’ problems, however, overlaps with another big-picture story about the insurance industry: That it needs to replace “hundreds of thousands” of workers who will age out of the workforce within a few years. The latter story emphasizes the wrong point: That insurance is having a talent crisis.  

In fact, the industry, far from being in crisis, is offering opportunities that are virtually unmatched in scope. Nested inside our need to hire for growth, stability and innovation is a critical challenge facing our industry every day: The necessity to project a public image that stresses the insurance industry’s incredible power to do good and contribute to communities and the economy at large. And this is why we’re having the quintessential “teachable moment,” one in which insurers have unique opportunities to communicate the almost limitless potential of insurance careers to the next generation of leaders and builders.  

Let’s Focus on the Facts: 

For starters, the insurance business is remarkably stable and is a major economic driver. As Chart 2 shows, in 2017, the industry generated 3.1 percent of the U. S. GDP. To put that into perspective with other areas of the financial services sector, banking contributed 2.8 percent and the securities industry 1.3 percent. In other words, we clearly hold our own as a contributor to economic growth and stability—especially at times when it is needed most. In Chart 3 we see that only a handful of insurers suffered business impairments during the Great Recession. Thankfully, policymakers are recognizing this fact, as the U.S. Treasury Department Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) recently removed AIG from their list of designated Systemically Important Financial Institutions, or SIFIs.  

Chart 2:

Chart 3:

Additionally, insurers are, and will continue to be, deliberative and cautious in managing revenue and assets. Surprisingly few people outside insurance know that our industry is one of the largest asset managers in the world. At the end of 2016 there were $5.8 trillion of assets under management ($1.5 trillion property/casualty, $3.7 trillion life). Again, to put this in perspective, the world’s largest single asset management group is BlackRock, which has $5.7 trillion AUM (assets under management). Looking for a rewarding career in finance that offers great work/life balance from the get-go? Insurance is now hiring the best and brightest! 

Making a Difference in the World 

Beyond the sheer volume of investment, another important element to consider is how this capital helps to improve communities and economies. In order to keep its promises to help policyholders rebuild and recover, the industry builds substantial reserves for restoring households and businesses affected by natural catastrophes and other unforeseen events. To safeguard this reserve, insurers pursue long-term balanced portfolio strategies that include bonds that fund large-scale infrastructure projects. And insurance invests in making communities and individuals safer and more resilient in the face of natural catastophes—empowering those who work in our industry to find ways to mitigate losses of life and property, and to help people rebuild.    


… And in Your Neck of the Woods 

Possibly our biggest contribution, however, is one that has an impact from coast-to-coast. We employ more than 2.8 million Americans in a variety of areas including sales and marketing, finance and risk management, and engineering and data sciences. And, beyond fields closely related our industry, we are also eagerly looking for professionals in areas that few would associate with insurance, such as art historians, drone pilots, social scientists and even video gaming enthusiasts


Insurance Empowers Us All to Pursue Our Goals and Dreams  

The good news is that the message is getting out there: People are leaving jobs in tech and other highly desired fields for careers in the insurance sector. And to attract more of this next-gen talent, we’re optimizing our business culture to engage, mentor and support younger workers. We’re reaching bigger audiences with “surround sound” messaging about how insurance supports and strengthens the economy. But it is incumbent on us all to reach out also as individuals to teach others what we’ve known for years: That no matter what you’ve studied, and no matter what you’ve done, insurance is the place where you’ll be able to follow virtually any career path you can think of. And, maybe best of all, for every person who’s ever been told, “We don’t pay you to think,” insurance is here to offer a place to do just that; think, learn, grow and make a difference in the world, every day. 

Sean M. Kevelighan is Chief Executive Officer of the Insurance Information Institute. He has nearly 20 years’ private and public sector experience in communications and public policy. Follow him on Twitter at @III_SeanK. 


