근로자 3명중 2명은 노년 삶을 부모세대보다 비관적으로 예상
윌리스 타워와슨이 전세계 3만명의 근로자를 대상으로 설문조사를 했는데, 3명중 2명은 자신의 노년생활이 부모세대보다 나빠질 것으로 예상하고 있다고 합니다.
응답자 중 약 30%가량은 지난 2년간 심각한 정신적 스트레스(significantn mental health)를 경험했다고 합니다. 직장내 정신건강 문제는 회사의 생산성과 직결되므로 고용주들이 근로자의 웰빙을 사내복지정책의 중심으로 두어야 한다는 의견도 있습니다.
22개 나라에서 응답자의 재정적 만족도는 2015년 대비 13%나 급락했다고 합니다.
선진국 근로자의 51%가 웨어러블이나 첨단 의료장비를 건강관리에 사용하고 있는데, 신흥국은 이보다 높은 71%에 달하고 있답니다.
출처 : http://www.theactuary.com/news/2018/02/almost-a-third-of-people-expect-to-still-be-working-aged-70/
Almost a third of people expect to still be working aged 70
That is according to a global survey of over 30,000 employees by Willis Towers Watson (WLTW), which also found that two-thirds think they will be worse off in old age than their parents’ generation.
In addition, the findings show significant mental health issues among workers across the world, with nearly three in ten reporting severe stress, anxiety and depression within the last two years.
“Employers have acknowledged that mental health and stress are among the biggest challenges to health and wellbeing in the workplace,” WLTW senior economist, Steve Nyce, said.
“Clearly a healthy, prosperous, happy and connected employee is more productive. Many employers are making employee wellbeing a central piece of their benefit strategy.”
Carried out in 22 countries, the survey found that financial satisfaction has plunged in recent years, particularly in the US where it has decreased by 13 percentage points since 2015.
There was also a significant number of employees found to be living from pay cheque to pay cheque, with 30% of people in France, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands saying they cannot find €2,000 in an emergency.
Although employers are responding with programmes that support financial and social wellbeing, employee engagement remains low, with just one-third saying they have helped them live healthier lives.
Wearables and other health and wellbeing technologies continue to gain traction, with 51% of employees in developed economies, and 71% in emerging ones, found to be using them to manage their health.
“It’s time to move beyond point solutions and design programs that leverage the workplace environment and promote the use of new technologies,” Nyce continued.
“For employers who get it right, this research suggests a significant payoff on the other side.”
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