영국보험계리사회가 "경제적 사고와 계리실무" 발간

보험계리 2019. 7. 10. 23:49

영국계리사회(IFoA)의 보험통계 연구센터 (ARC)는 2019년 6월 24일 '경제적 사고와 계리 실무(Economic Thought and Actuarial Practice)'에 관한 보고서 초안을 발표했다.

이 보고서는 보험계리사와 경제 전문가의 경제적 사고에 관한 광범위한 토론을 배경으로 다양한 최근 견해를 제시하고 있는데,
경제적 사고의 전통적 개념이 어떻게 변화하고 있는지, 그리고 이러한 변화가 장기투자 및 리스크에 대한 접근법에 미칠 수있는 영향에 대해 이야기하고 있다.

Leeds University Business School의 Iain Clacher 박사는 경제적 사고가 대다수 계리사의 업무에 매우 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 전제하고, 계리사가 경제적 사고를 계리 실무에 어떻게 적용하고, 그들의 조언이 어떻게 영향을 미칠 수 있는지 조사했다.

한편, 향후 이 초안을 바탕으로 더 광범위한 전문가와 협력하여 더 많은 조사를 할 계획이라고 한다.

Clacher(2019) Economic Thought and Actuarial Practice.pdf




자동차보험 지역별 차등제

보험계리 2019. 5. 19. 22:28

2019년5월1일 미국 하원의 자동차보험요율 관련 소위원회가 열리기전 청문회에서 미국보험협회(Insurance Information Institute)의 수석 보험계리사인 James Lynch(FCAS, MAAA)가 출석해서 자동차보험요율 책정에 관해서 증언했다.

개인에게 적용되는 자동차요율은 사고이력에 근거하지만, 그 이외에도 지역별 요인도 중요하다고 강조했다.
단위면적당 차량의 수가 많을수록 사고율이 높기 때문임을 근거로 제시했다.

한편 Rashida Tlaib의원은 신용등급을 자동차요율에 반영하는 것에 대해 문제제기하였다.

출처 : https://www.casact.org/press/index.cfm?fa=viewArticle&articleID=4400&fbclid=IwAR0UroOzUyg3YwEkgHaUWdOJa6LYWcX62e2p5nXJZnaYmf4Nhxn8sDQRUoI





CAS Fellow Testifies Before House Subcommittee on Insurance Rating Factors

James Lynch, FCAS, MAAA, chief actuary at the Insurance Information Institute, testified last week at a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee hearing examining the U.S. auto insurance and auto lending industries. In his May 1 testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee/Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations, Lynch explained how insurance companies set rates for auto insurance, including the importance of rating factors in actuarial calculations.

“Insurers use teams of actuaries to figure out how to set rates—how much to charge the average risk; who deserves a discount, and who does not.” Lynch said in his testimony. “They look for characteristics that successfully predict the accident rate. The most famous, perhaps, is driving record. Drivers who have avoided accidents for several years are less likely to be in an accident in the future. But driving record is not the only factor. The strongest by most accounts is location, which tells a lot about the number of vehicles per square mile. The more cars there are in an area, the more likely they are to crash into each other.”

U.S. House Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) has argued against U.S. auto insurer use of non-driving rating factors, such as credit-based insurance scores, to price policies; Rep. Tlaib introduced the Preventing Credit Score Discrimination in Auto Insurance Act (House Resolution 1756) earlier this year.

Lynch told the committee that auto insurer rating variables undergo rigorous actuarial analysis and are also filed in advance with state regulators, along with statistical proof of their effectiveness. Lynch noted that insurance regulators in 47 U.S. states allow auto insurers to use credit-based insurance scores as a rating factor.




자신의 계리적기술만 과신하는 보험계리사

보험계리 2018. 12. 20. 04:47

1968년 영국 계리사회의 명예의 전당(award of an Institute Gold Medal)에 오른 위대한 보험계리사인 Frank Redington (1906-1984)의 이야기 입니다. 이분은 현금흐름 매칭방식의 ALM을 계리적 기반하에서 면역화전략으로 전환시킨 전설적인 인물입니다. 즉, 1952년에 이 면역화 전략(Immunisation Theory)을 발표했고, 이후 이를 바탕으로 LDI가 등장했고 지금 GBI로 진화하고 있습니다.

캐임브릿지 대학교를 떠나 푸르덴셜의 선임계리사를 역임하고 영국보험계리사회 회장이셨던 이분은, 보험수리적 영역이외에 인문학적 소양도 풍부하셨던 것 같습니다.

이분의 남긴 명언입니다.

"보험계리사가 자신의 계리적 기술만 과신하는 것은 위험하다. 이 기술은 위대한 장인을 만드는 도구가 아니고, 단지 어떤 현안에 대해 감을 잡고 생각하는 방법을 제시할 뿐이다."


출처 : https://www.actuaries.org.uk/news-and-insights/news/actuary-who-only-actuary-not-actuary?fbclid=IwAR3U_GwsnOuB22BJ4Dabpd5zeFzhaIa19R2L8ntQ8wWRtcKpp-6GFc0g8B0


The actuary who is only an actuary... is not an actuary

Frank Redington

The IFoA believes Frank Redington's remarkable achievements make him a worthy nominee to feature on the UK's new £50 note.

Voted the greatest ever actuary in 2003 by members of the actuarial profession, Frank Redington (1906-1984) is perhaps best known as the author of Immunisation Theory. Published in 1952, the theory demonstrated how a financial institution’s balance sheet could be ‘immunised’ against changes in the level of interest rates. This influential paper has had a major influence on fixed income portfolio management. It is also considered to have ushered in the modern era of actuarial thought.

Yet this seminal work was not the culmination of Frank’s career. His far-sightedness was demonstrated again in 1958 when, as President of the Institute of Actuaries, he spoke out on Britain’s national pensions policy, exposing the ease with which politicians could mortgage future generations by making excessive pension promises to the current generation. His thoughts on this subject were published in the booklet National Pensions: An Appeal to Statesmanship and displayed his foresight and prescience on the subject.

After leaving Cambridge University in 1928 Frank Redington joined the Prudential where he stayed throughout his career, rising to the position of Chief Actuary. With typical modesty he believed himself unsuited to the position of Chief Executive, even though his remarkable talents would seem to suggest he would have been more than ably qualified.

During his long career Frank Redington received the highest honours it was possible to attain as an actuary, including President of the Institute of Actuaries. The importance of his work to the Institute and the actuarial profession was recognised by the award of an Institute Gold Medal in 1968.

Yet Frank was about more than just numbers. He also had a hinterland of wide-ranging and varied interests that included mysticism, poetry and nature. In his words:

The actuary’s danger may lie in too close preoccupation with his particular techniques … It is not the tools he uses which make a great craftsman. It is the way he feels and thinks.





미국에서 가장 핫한 대학 전공은 보험계리학

보험계리 2018. 9. 16. 22:36

보험계리학 전공이 미국대학교에서 가장 핫한 전공라고 합니다.

계리사 평균 연봉이 약1억2천만원( $108,658)으로 매우 높은데다가 졸업만하면 보험계리사가 아니어도 자격증 여부와 상관없이 거의다 취업이 되고 있다고 합니다.

그래서 학부때 계리사자격시험 중 일부러 시험 몇개만 붙고 나머지 과목은 취업해서 월급받으면서 공부해서 패스한다고 합니다. 거의 대학원 진학은 안하구요

출처 : http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-college-major-actuarial-science-20180910-story,amp.html?__twitter_impression=true


The most valuable college major? Actuarial science

Bloomberg News

Taking on student debt is a financial risk, but those those who study such risks are best positioned to pay it off after graduation.

A Bankrate.com report released on Monday ranked actuarial science - the formal term for the study of insurance - the most valuable college major. Actuarial-science majors earn an average annual salary of $108,658 and have a better-than-average unemployment rate of only 2.3 percent. And at a time when student debt has hit a record high, these graduates are less likely to incur the added expense of additional schooling and delayed earning potential. Fewer than 1 in 4 graduates pursue advanced degrees.

"The actuarial science profession is interesting because students don't need advanced degrees to gain livable wages, but instead are certified through a series of exams overseen by the industry's professional organizations," said Bankrate.com analyst Adrian Garcia in an interview. "Students typically pass one to two of these exams while in school and then go on and complete others while working, earning raises and bonuses as they pass."

The study ranked 162 majors with labor forces of at least 15,000 people based on average annual income, employment status and whether those graduates went on to pursue a higher degree within 12 months. Income accounted for 70 percent of the weighted ranking, unemployment for 20 percent, and career paths that did not demand additional education for 10 percent. The data were derived from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2016 American Community Survey.

Recent actuarial-science graduates are entering the industry at an opportune moment. The U.S. property and casualty insurance industry took in $18 billion in net profit, even as the country sustained heavy losses from natural catastrophes such as hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, according to the National Association for Insurance Commissioners. But that number is expected to increase in 2018 thanks to favorable interest rates, shows the S&P Global Market Intelligence report. Health-care premiums are also on the rise as many insurers seek double-digit percentage increases in monthly costs for individual medical plans in 2019.

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics degrees continue to offer the best postgraduate prospects to college students, the study found. Zoology, nuclear engineering, premedical programs and applied mathematics dominated the five most valuable degrees, offering graduates low rates of unemployment and six-figure salaries.

But the prospect of a high salary doesn't always win out. Petroleum-engineering graduates boast the most lucrative average salary, topping out at $124,448, but fail to crack the top of the list because of an excessively high 7.9 percent unemployment rate.

The only students faring worse than fine arts degree holders are niche fine arts degree holders: Graduates with degrees outside the traditional buckets of art, theater, music or creative writing earn the second-lowest average annual salary of $40,855. At a whopping 9.1 percent, they also have the highest unemployment rate of any major.

"At the end of the day," Garcia said, "you have to balance being practical and following your passion."




대학졸업후 연봉 1억원 이상 받는 직업, 보험계리사

보험계리 2018. 7. 15. 03:12

대학만 졸업해도 연봉 1억원 이상을 받을 수 있는 학위는 무엇일까요? 미국에서 10개의 학위가 있는데 그중의 하나가 보험계리사입니다.

미국에서 계리사의 2017년 연봉은 전체 계리사들중 중위값(median)이 101,560달러(약 1억1,400백만원)라고 합니다.
경력 1년차든 30년차든 일렬로 늘여 놨을때 정중앙에 있는 계리사의 연봉인거죠.

2026년 계리사의 일자리 수요는 2016년 대비 22% 증가할 거라고 예상하네요.


출처 : http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/careersandeducation/10-bachelors-degree-jobs-that-can-pay-more-than-dollar100k/ss-


Slide 2 of 12: Actuaries are responsible for assessing and minimizing financial risk. They often work in the insurance industry. Actuaries need to pass a series of exams to earn professional certification. The median salary for this occupation was $101,560 in 2017, per the most recent data from the BLS. The number of actuary jobs is predicted to grow 22 percent from 2016 to 2026, according to the BLS.




