보험 핀테크(insurtech)와 보험의 밸류체인

보험영업 2019. 7. 29. 15:20
2017년 보험관련 핀테크회사에 대한 투자는 2016년보다 36% 증가한 23억달러라고 최근 Willis Towers Watson이 발표했다.

보험의 가치사슬(value chain)은 보험영업, 계약인수, 리스크, 고객 서비스, 지급심사 등으로 구성되며 혁신에 직면하고 있다. 하지만 어느 분야는 최첨단이지만 어떤 분야는 전혀 핀테크를 도입하고 있지 않다.





빅데이터 활용을 통한 보험사기 적발과 거액 보험금 발생 예측

보험영업 2018. 8. 7. 21:17

2018년에 글로벌 보험회사가 보험금 지급시스템과 보험사기 방지 시스템 개선을 위해서 약 24억달러(2조7천억원)를 투자할 것이며,
2021년에는 36억달러까지 증가할 것으로 예상된다. ...

보험회사들에 의하면 빅데이터 활용을 통해 보험사기 적발률을 60% 대로 늘렸고, 거액 보험금 발생 예측도 약 80% 정도의 정확성을 확보했다고 한다.

출처 : http://www.theactuary.com/news/2018/08/insurers-to-invest-24bn-in-big-data-this-year/

Insurers to invest $2.4bn in big data 

The global insurance industry is forecast to spend approximately $2.4bn (£1.9bn) on big data in 2018 as firms increasingly look to improve claims processing and fraud detection.

Upgrading technology is number one priority ©iStock
Upgrading technology is number one priority ©iStock

That is according to a new report from research and consultancy firm SNS Telecom & IT, which also predicts that big data investments will hit nearly $3.6bn by the end of 2021.

“Led by a plethora of business opportunities for insurers, these investments are expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 14% over the next three years,” the company said.

Based on feedback from insurers worldwide, it was found that big data has led to a more than 30% increase in access to insurance services, and cut policy administration work by half.

It has also improved fraud detection rates by 60%, resulted in large loss claims predictions with nearly 80% accuracy, and led to cost savings in claims management of up to 70%. 

In addition, big data has accelerated processing of non-emergency claims by a staggering 90%, and is playing a “pivotal role” in facilitating the adoption of on-demand insurance models.

“Particularly in auto, life and health insurance, as well as the insurance of new and underinsured risks such as cyber crime,” SNS Telecom & IT said.

“Amid the proliferation of real-time and historical data from sources such as connected devices, web, social media, and transactional applications, big data is rapidly gaining traction.”

This comes after a survey of executives by software provider AdvantageGo found that upgrading technology is the number one priority for insurance companies across the world.

It was also found that three-quarters are involved in data analytics and big data projects, with more than half looking at machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain.

“Whether companies want to be ahead of the game or are simply anxious about being left behind, all sectors of the market are taking InsurTech seriously,” AdvantageGo executive vice-president, Adrian Morgan, said. 


