지급여력제도 수정안 발의

보험계리 2019. 3. 17. 23:04

유럽연합 집행위(European Commission)는 사모펀드를 보유한 보험회사의 자본요구량을 낮추는 것을 내용으로하는 Solvency II 수정안을 제안했다.

집행위의 Valdis Dombrovskis 부회장은

"지급여력제도의 일부규정이 보험회사들로 하여금 주식과 사채(private debt) 투자를 어렵게 한 측면이 있었기에 이 의견을 귀기울여 들었고, 3월8일 채택된 수정안으로 이 보험회사들의 장기 자금조달이 용이해질 것이다."

라고 말했다.


출처 : https://www.pionline.com/article/20190311/ONLINE/190319986/ec-proposes-lowering-capital-requirements-for-insurance-companies-with-private-equity-private-debt?fbclid=IwAR1mdW-yp49-kuKwXL4GmJgLizv9lvB_1mNmblPi1zmWnFYGySMompEbGR8


EC proposes lowering capital requirements for insurance companies with private equity, private debt




맨섬 금융감독원이 손보사의 새로운 지급여력제도 도입을 연기

보험계리 2018. 4. 7. 23:04

영국 스코틀랜드와 잉글랜드 사이에 있는 맨섬은 8만5천명이 살고 있는 섬인데, 1990년부터 자체적으로 국무회의를 열고 있는 곳입니다.

그런데, 맨섬 금융감독원이 손보사에 대해서 개정된 지급여력제도 도입을 1년간 미뤄서 2020년 6월에 시행한다고 합니다.

손보사들이 새로운 제도를 받아들여 시행하기 위해 시간이 필요하다고 한 모양입니다.


출처 : http://www.businessinsurance.com/article/20180308/STORY/912319699/Regulator-defers-implementation-of-insurers-capital-and-solvency-framework

Regulator defers implementation of insurers' capital and solvency framework



The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority today announced a change to the implementation date for the updated capital and solvency framework for non-life insurance business.

The development is published in the FSA’s Roadmap for updating the Isle of Man’s regulatory framework for the insurance industry.

The Roadmap currently states that an updated risk based capital and solvency framework for non-life insurance business will be introduced on 30 June 2019. These proposals represent a very significant change in approach to solvency requirements for non-life insurers and the FSA recognises that further engagement is needed to determine the final approach in some areas of the proposed updated capital and solvency framework. The FSA also recognises that industry will need appropriate time to prepare for the implementation of the new framework.

The FSA’s proposed implementation date for the updated capital and solvency framework for non-life insurance business will be deferred by 12 months from 30 June 2019 to 30 June 2020.



Christopher Copper-Ind
Christopher Copper-Ind is Editor of International Investment. He has extensive experience of the publishing industry having worked across the Middle East and Europe. He oversees the content across all its formats together with the business development for International Investment.



