감독원, 변액연금 상품안내장 간소화 허가

보험영업 2018. 11. 6. 22:11

미국 감독원(the Securities and Exchange Commission)은 보험회사가 지금보다 더 간소화된 변액연금과 변액종신보험 상품안내장을 사용하는 것을 허가하려고 한다고 하면서 2019년 2월15일까지 공식적으로 의견청취하기로 했다.
현재 변액보험 상품안내장(prospectus)은 수백쪽의 작은 종이안에 자잘한 주석사항까지 잔뜩 적혀있는데, 이것을 대폭 간소화하고 자세한 것들은 홈페이지에서 볼 수 있게 하고 투자자가 원하는 경우 자세한 안내장을 우편발송한다는 것이다.


출처 : https://retirementincomejournal.com/article/sec-proposes-the-use-of-shorter-prospecti-for-variable-annuities/?fbclid=IwAR0bx8ofzmSrd-GmrXW9JXjWa8E-_R-PumITgOyyVtWBcQi5ul1rTMUEj4A


SEC proposes the use of shorter prospectuses for variable annuities

The Commission has requested public comment until February 15, 2019, on the proposed rule changes, as well as on hypothetical summary prospectus samples that it has published. 

In a move long-sought by life insurers, the Securities and Exchange Commission is proposing to allow issuers of variable annuities and variable life insurance contracts to use “summary prospectuses” in making their required disclosures to the investing public.

A traditional prospectus can run to hundreds of pages of small print—and even smaller footnotes.

“This document would be a concise, reader‑friendly summary of key facts about the contract.  More‑detailed information about the contract would be available online, and an investor also could choose to have that information delivered in paper or electronic format at no charge,” the SEC said in a release this week.

The Commission has requested public comment until February 15, 2019, on the proposed rule changes, as well as on hypothetical summary prospectus samples that it has published.  The Commission has also published a Feedback Flier that it will use “to seek investor input about what improvements would make the summary prospectus easier to read and understand, and what information investors would like to see included,” the release said.

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