검색결과 리스트
Venezuela에 해당되는 글 1건
- 2018.07.21 인플레이션에 취약한 연금
인플레이션에 취약한 연금
근로소득이 없는 은퇴자에게 가장 무서운 것은 인플레이션이다.
Hyperinflation에 시달리고 있는 베네즈웰라는 올해만 13,800%의 물가상승률을 기록했다. (베네즈웰라도 석유생산으로 96%이상의 수입을 올리는 남미국가중 하나인데, 올해 30년만에 석유생산량은 최저수준으로 급감했고, IMF는 경제가 붕괴된 상태라고 경고했다) 당장 현금으로 1만 bolivar를 주고 살수 있는 물건을 신용카드로 사려면 4만 bolivar를 주어야 살 수있다.
퇴직연금으로 2백만 bolivar를 받고 있는데 이돈의 가치는 암시장에서 미국의 60센트에 불과하고 시장에서 계란 15개를 살수 있는 푼돈일뿐이라고 68세 연금소득자인 Basilio Octo씨가 말한다.
은퇴자에게 필요한 것은 생존할 수 있는 식료품인데, 인플레이션을 헷지하지 못하는 연금수령은 정말 의미없다.
Venezuela senior citizens block streets demanding pension checks
Some 200 seniors block traffic near the presidential palace demanding payment in full of their monthly retirement pension
CRISIS. A man counts 1000-Bolivar-bills to buy groceries at the municipal market of Coche, a neighborhood of Caracas. Photo by Federico Parra/AFP
CARACAS, Venezuela – Perched on plastic lawn chairs and leaning on canes, scores of retirees protested Wednesday, July 18, to demand payment of their retirement benefits in crisis-hit Venezuela.
About 200 senior citizens blocked traffic on Urdaneta Avenue, a stone's throw from the presidential palace.
"They are not paying people's whole pension. We are just getting two million" bolivars, worth 60 US cents at black market rates," said Basilio Octo, 68.
That might get him 15 eggs but it's a quarter of his monthly income in a country with dizzying hyperinflation.
It could top 13,800 percent this year, the IMF says.
Currency notes are in very short supply; in some markets food and other basic goods can be purchased for 3 times less if the buyer pays cash.
So seniors are desperate to stretch their income by paying in cash.
Octo says he often has to get up at 3 am to go wait outside the bank and withdraw money.
"If we have to pay with a card, we are getting robbed," Octo explained. What could cost 10,000 bolivars in cash costs 40,000 with a card.
"Mr President (Nicolas Maduro), it's time for you to take responsibility," he said.
With the economy barely functional, food in short supply and hunger rampant, the seniors took turns chanting "WE WANT CASH."
On June 20, Maduro raised monthly pensions for seniors to 4.2 million bolivars. But a pound of meat costs 5 million.
"A banana and a plantain is what I can get with that money," grumbled Eulice Bolivar to AFP.
"The elderly are out protesting because they need their money. They need their food. There is too much hunger in Venezuela," she said. – Rappler.com
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